Auto insurance is normally your most expensive insurance policy. You should compare coverage, discounts, price and service. We represent three excellent insurance companies that are offering very competitive rates, discounts and enhancements.
The auto policy consists of the following breakdown of Parts, including what you "Must Buy," "May Buy," and a list of "Enhancements and Discounts."
You May Buy:
You Must Buy:
Part 1.
Bodily injury to others:
Pays for damages (medical expenses, pain & suffering) to anyone injured or killed by your car in Massachusetts. Up to a basic limit of $20,000 per person and $40,000 per accident.Injuries to the driver or passengers in your car are not covered.
Part 2.
Personal injury protection:
Pays up to $8,000 to you or anyone you let drive your car, your household members, passengers and pedestrians, no matter who causes the accident. P.I.P. pays for medical expenses, replacement services and 75% of any lost wages.
Part 3.
Bodily injury caused by an uninsured auto:
Protects you, household members, and passengers (unless covered by another Massachusetts policy with similar coverage) against losses caused by an uninsured or unidentified (hit & run) driver. A minimum limit of $20,000 per person and $40,000 per accident is required.
Part 4.
Damage to someone else's property:
Pays for another person's property damage and costs associated with the loss of use of that property, when you, a household member or another authorized driver cause an accident.
You May Buy:
Part 5.
Optional bodily injury to others:
Increases your liability protection above the basic $20,000/$40,000 limit under bodily injury to others. This coverage includes protection for guests in your car and accidents that occur anywhere in the U.S. or Canada.
Part 9.
Pays for losses resulting from perils such as fire, theft, vandalism. Glass is also covered by this coverage. However, personal belongings are covered only if permanently installed in your car. If your car is financed, your lender may require you to carry this coverage. This coverage is subject to a deductible.
**Original equipment endorsement will cover the amount necessary to replace any damaged crash part which cannot be repaired, with an original manufactured part.
Part 6.
Medical payments:
Covers medical expenses for you, your household members and passengers, over and above amounts covered by personal injury protection.
Part 10.
Substitute transportation:
Pays for car rental or other transportation costs (to a limit of $450, $900, $1350, $3000) while your car is undergoing collision or comprehensive repairs. Some car rental agencies may refuse to rent you a car if you do not have a credit card, or if you are under a certain credit rating, or are a poor credit risk.
Part 7.
Pays for collision damage to your car - no matter who causes the accident. If your car is financed, your lender may require you to carry this coverage. This coverage is subject to a deductible.**Original equipment endorsement will cover the amount necessary to replace any damaged crash part which cannot be repaired, with an original manufactured part
Part 11.
Towing and labor:
Pays for towing and labor (to a limit of $50 or $100) each time your car breaks down. You are covered only for the on-site labor costs - not any parts - needed to get your car running again at the breakdown site.
Part 8.
Limited collision:
Pays for collision damage to your car. You must not be more than 50% at fault, and the owner of the other vehicle must be identified.
Part 12.
Bodily injury caused by an underinsured auto:
Pays for bodily injury damages to you, household members and passengers. The accident must be caused by someone without enough bodily injury coverage. It pays you up to the difference between the total amount collected from the bodily injury liability insurance covering the owner and driver of the other car, and the limits you purchased for this coverage.
Enhancements and Discounts (close):
Auto club discounts (AAA, AARP, Sams, etc.)
Over 40 group discounts available
Boston College alumni
Massachusetts Bar Association
Active & retired firefighters
Active & retired police
Massachusetts Medical Society
Call for details on other discounts
Loyalty /renewal discount 8%
Hybrid vehicle discount 10%
New business credit
Account discount 10%
Good student discount 10%
Student away at school discount 10%
Pay in full discount
Advanced driver training discount 5%
Years in residence discount
E-mail delivery discount
Multi-car discount 10%
​Product Endorsements -
Enhancement endorsements
Deductible will be waived on collision
Rental vehicle loss of income
Guaranteed replacement cost
Extended substitute transportation
Air bag coverage
Auto loan/lease gap coverage-loan or lease will get paid
Combined policy billing
**Different discounts apply to different coverage**

​Price Discounts -
Auto club discounts (AAA, AARP, Sams, etc.)
Over 40 group discounts available
Boston College alumni
Massachusetts Bar Association
Active & retired firefighters
Active & retired police
Massachusetts Medical Society
Call for details on other discounts
Loyalty /renewal discount 8%