Charles and his associates work with select companies to offer you the best coverage, service, and value for your insurance protection. Namasky-Zammito Insurance has been voted #1 many times by the Norwood Transcript for their excellent customer service.
Ten Reasons We're Better:
Owners on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Owners answer your call — no voicemail or prompts.
Easy appointments, face-to-face service.
Quotes, questions and changes handled by phone, email or fax, not a generic website.
Report, handle, and advise during your claim.
We offer three auto insurance companies to match your needs to the best products and discounts available.
We offer ten home insurance companies to match your needs to the best products and prices available.
Business and Business Auto Insurance and Workers Compensation Coverage.
Same-day registry service.
We're good neighbors! Namaksy-Zammito Insurance contributes time and donations to local organizations.
About the Owner -